Saturday, March 31, 2012

Online bulletin board

This tool allows anyone to post like a bulletin board.  A board can be created with a specific topic, and people can leave what look like little post it notes on the board.  This could be a good tool for facilitating the writing process.  Students could post ideas or questions and classmates could provide feedback.  It's free and easy.

A different way to present

This is a great alternative to Powerpoint or Keynote. The Prezi program offers a unique layout, in addition to interesting transitions and visuals.  It's easy to use and a wonderful tool to help students create those multimedia presentations!

Resources galore

This website offers an abundance of tools for teachers to use.  There are Powerpoint Presentations on every topic under the sun, video clips, free clip art, and interactive games for kids.  This is a great go-to site that can enhance most lessons.

Online story tool

This is an awesome website that can be used for free.  After accounts have been created, students may browse art collections and choose one that appeals to them.  The art inspires them to write, and they can select different art within a set to create an entire story.  Teachers can give students an assignment or allow them to be free to write whatever the pictures help them to imagine.   Great art collections on this one!